
 다이내믹 만능재료시험기 5 kN, 10kN and 14 kN UTM
IPC Global
[E] 아스팔트,토양 재료물성 측정기

UTM-5P/10P/14P 는 2축 서보 공압식 액츄에이터를 장착한
디지털 서보 컨트롤 방식 만능재료시험기로서 Dynamic 방식
으로 기존 Static방식과 달리 더욱 강화된 시험속도와 압축유지
및 피로시험 등 다양한 멀티기능 보유. 광범위한 테스트를
위한 Jig, Fixtures, Transducers, Extensometers, Environmental
chambers, Automated triaxial cell 적용이 가능하며, NCHRP,
AASHTO 규격에 맞게 설계 제작됨.



UTM-5P / 14P


-  2축 서보 공압식 액츄에이터 장착

-  디지털 서보 컨트롤 방식

-  기존 Static방식과 달리 Dynamic방식으로

   더욱 강화된 시험속도와 압축유지 및 피로시험 등 다양한 멀티기능

-  UTS 테스트 소프트웨어 구동

-  광범위의 테스트를 위한 jig, fixtures, transducers, extensometers,

   environmental chambers, automated triaxial cell 적용

-  아스팔트, 토양, 섬유, 플라스틱, 금속 등 다양한 분야에서 사용 가


-  NCHRP, AASHTO에서 요구하는 규격에 부합하도록 개발됨


The UTM-5P (Universal Testing Machine – 5 kN, Pneumatic) is the smallest

and most popular of our series of Universal Testing Machines. By coupling recent

developments in pneumatic control valves with digital control technology, we have

produced a new testing machine that equals and even exceeds the performance of

many electro-hydraulic testing machines;

but at a fraction of their price. The UTM-10P and UTM-14P are virtually the same machine

fitted with a 10kN and 14 kN pneumatic actuator and a larger capacity load cell.


In addition to a wide range of paving materials, the UTM-5P is an ideal testing machine

for many industrial and research applications including; metals, fibres, plastics, packaging, etc..


A range of transducers, specimen loading jigs and application software

(mostly Windows-based) is available for various standard, general purpose and

user programmable tests.

These include: ASTM D4123, ASTM D3497, AASHTO T294/SHRP P46, SHRP M009,

BS 598, AS 2891.12.1, AS 2891.13.1 and AS 1289.6.8.1. Software is also available to

meet a number of draft British Standard test methods.


Double acting servo-pneumatic actuator

Low cost compared with hydraulic systems

Dynamic loading, utilising digital servo control

Compact frame design


