

ㆍ조회: 1897  
  • 글제목
  • 2010 MCIK 2차 정기 세미나 일정
  • 작성자
  • MCIK
  • 작성일
  • 2010-10-11 (월) 09:39
  • 첨부#1
  • MCIK_2010__2nd_Annual_Seminar_in_Seoul.pdf (77KB) (Down:108)

    2010 MCIK  2nd  Annual Seminar on Rheology & Surface Chemistry



    저희 MCIK에서는 국내 응용 유변학 (Applied Rheology)    Surface Chemistry  저변 확대와  그동안 고객 여러분의 성원에 답하고저  2010  2  Annual  Seminar   아래와 같이 개최하오니 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁 드립니다;


    행 사 명 :   2010년도 제 2 MCIK 정기 유변학 및 계면 화학 관련 강좌

    주     최 :   MCIK / Dataphysics GmbH, Germany

    일     시 :   2010 10 22 (9:30AM ~ 04:30PM 


    4. 장     소 :   서울  서초구 외교센터 빌딩 2 203

                           (지하철 3호선 양재역에 하차 8번출구 예술의 전당 방면 도보 5)

                           - 외교센터 ( http://diplomatic.dic.co.kr/  ) 유로 주차장 1 20,000

                           ( 사전 신고시에 한함)

    5. 참 가  비 :    무료  (점심은 제공되지 않습니다)

    6. 접수 마감일 :  2010 10 20 수요일 5:00 PM 

                                       (한정된 좌석 사정으로 등록 순서대로 참가증을 교부 합니다

    7. 참가신청방법 :  참가신청서를  MCIK   Fax 또는 E-mail 송부

                                 *참가신청서: 첨부 파일 

    8. 접수 및 문의  :  MCIK 행정 지원부 
                                  Tel: 02-3143-2740 / 1979, Fax: 02-3143-2753

                                   E-mail:  admin@mcik.co.kr  담당황 병진 부장

    9. 강연및 강사

    Speaker :

    Mr. Torsten Holz 

    General Manager, Dataphysics Instruments  GmbH, Germany

    Mr. Holz has profound knowledge in surface chemistry obtained from  his long experience with DataPhysics Instruments GmbH,

    a leader in surface chemical technology.



    Speaker :    김승록 박사 (MCIK 대표)


    Dr Kim has obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry from the Centre for Applied Colloid & BioColloid Science (Swinburne University of Technology) in Melbourne in 1994. Following his Ph.D candidature, he accepted a position as a post-doctoral fellow for 2 1/2 years in the area of rheology and polymers. He continued his research work as a postdoctoral research fellow for both the Rheology and Material Processing Centre and the Polymer Technology Centre at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (R.M.I.T). He then worked as a senior research fellow at Kwangwoon University in Seoul and has also worked as a lecturer at the Yeonsei and Samyook Universities in Korea.  Dr. Seungrok Kim then worked as a Thermo Haake regional manager in Asia-Pacific till the beginning of 2002.   Dr. Kim established MCIK in early March of 2002. This has been sought after his determination in applying his profound MC knowledge into real cases with regard to a wide range of rheology- and material characterization-related scientific and technological problems.



    Main topics to be discussed: Surface Energy, DLVO, Zeta Potential, CMC, Surface Tension, Dispersion, Coagulation, Flocculation , CMC, Surfactant, Steric Stabilization, Surface Adhesion, Absorption, Steady Shear Rheology, Viscosity,

    TI, MI, Thixotropy, Yield Stress, Dynamic Oscillatory Measurements, Creep and Recovery, On-Line Process Viscomerty, Elongational  Rheology, Twin Screw Compounding, Thermally Assisted UV-Curing and DMA etc.

    *Session-1: 제목 Introduction to Surface Chemistry: Interactions at Interfaces and Modern Measuring Methods / Characterization  of Dispersed Material Systems – Measurement of Stability and Dispersion Analysis of a Large Variety of Collidal Systems:


    Speaker; Mr. Torsten Holz (DataPhysics GmbH, Germany)


    Surface Chemistry 세미나 내용 (by Torens Holz):


    - Surface energy analysis

    - Material surface properties

    - Phase borders

    - Fundamental concept of wetting

    - Fundamental concept of interfacial and surface tension

    - Contact angle measurements

    - Factors influence contact angle

    - Determination of surface free energy

    - Work of adhesion

    - Consequences of polar and dispersion contribution for the contact angle

    - Interpretation of adhesive energy

    - Derivation of OW theory

    - Surface free energy

    - OWRK analysis

    - Application examples of Fowkes method

    - Theories for adhesion energy

    - Application examples of WU method

    - Analys method according to Zisman

    - Multiple light scattering for particle and dispersion analysis

    - Dispersion, Coalescence and Coagulation.



    *Session-2: 오후 1 45  부터는 MCIK  김 승록 박사가  유변학 기초 이론에서부터 

    Surface Chemical Aspect of Rheology of Particulate Systems  {점도, 점탄성, 흐름성, 분산도 등

    유변학적 성질 (Rheological behaviour) 과 재료의 Formulation, 온도 및 전단율등의

    가공 조건 및 재료 구성 성분의 Surface energy Zeta potential 등 계면 화학적 성질과의 관계 등에 대한 논의}   Polymer Processing Technology  등의 주제로  오후 430분 까지 강연을 진행 합니다.