

ㆍ조회: 1826  
  • 글제목
  • New G' and G" 측정용 온라인 레오미터 OLR 탄생 - 세계 최초
  • 작성자
  • 관리자
  • 작성일
  • 2012-10-18 (목) 13:57
  • 첨부#1
  • olr001-OLR_Brochure.pdf (522KB) (Down:113)
  • 첨부#2
  • olr-presentation1.pdf (965KB) (Down:309)



    분산 Emulisification 공정 실시간 확인 및 고분자 Crystallization 등 공정 최척화를 위한

    최신 기술의 On-line rheometer  개발 관련 기술 정보   


    New G' and G" 측정용 온라인 레오미터 OLR 탄생 - 세계 최초




    A new oscillatory  squeeze flow based OnLine Rheometer (OLR) is now available to continuously measure, plot and report flow properties of process liquids in the pipe: OLR Series-1000 은 1980년 Prof. Phan-Thien N 이 고안하고 최근 Prof. K. Walters 등에 ( “The oscillatory squeeze flow rheometer: comprehensive theory and a new experimental facility”, D. Bell, D. M. Binding and K. Walters, Rheol Acta (2006) 4 6: 111–121, DOI 10.1007/s00397-006-0097-z ) 의해 검증 및 보완된 Oscillatory Seueeze Flow (OSF) rheometer 를 상업화한 세계 최초의 On-line rheometer ( 탱크나 파이프라인 등에 설치하여 실시간으로 G’, G” 및 광범위한 Shear rate에서 점도 측정 ) 로써 가공중인 시료에 대해 24시간 실시간 으로 온라인 (또는 인-라인) 으로 Modulus 및 점도 측정을 가능하게 하는 Unique 한 최신 장비로 PC 소프트웨어에 또는 공장 PLC 에 연결하여 사용 가능 합니다.


    현재 15일간의 현장 설치 운전을 무료로

    제공해 드리고 있습니다.

    참고자료 다운로드







    •  Data is directly comparable with R&D laboratory rheometer data
    • Delivers stable data across entire frequency range from 1 – 100 Hz
    • Higher frequency measurement range than most laboratory rheometers
    to learn more about the OLR !


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    The purpose of this document is to describe the intended use and operating principles of the OnLine Rheometer (OLR) built by Rheology Solutions Pty Ltd, and outline OLR specifications.

    What does the OLR do?

    The OLR is a process rheometer, designed to continuously measure the flow properties of process liquids in-the-pipe. The intended use for the OLR is for process and/or quality control, whereby the plant operator and engineer may input specific quality or process control criteria with respect to the flow properties of their product, and monitor the conformance of the product in the pipe, as it passes through the OLR measuring cavity.

    OLR Principle of Operation

    The OLR uses well established squeeze-flow kinematics. It measures storage and loss moduli by imposing a small cyclic deformation on a liquid sample at a variety of frequencies, from 1-100 Hz. Quality control parameters and user interface at * (complex viscosity [Pa s]), as measured byplant operator level are based on the OLR.


    As with a standard laboratory rheometer the response of the liquid is measured and displayed in terms of G’ (storage modulus [Pa]), G’’ (loss modulus [Pa]), *. These measurements are available at higher(phase angle [Degrees]), and user levels in the OLR software, accessible to plant engineers and scientists, along with the possibility to add or alter QC settings for the plant operator user.


    OLR use in industry

    The OLR is designed for use in a pipe, measuring continuously and relaying the information to the process operator either through the factory PLC (Process Logic Controller) or through Rheology Solutions’ OLR software.

    Industries where the OLR is suitable - compliance and certification

    The OLR has been designed using Designed to EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) guidelines using FDA (Food & Drug Administration, USA) compliant materials. Electricals compliant with CE, CTick, FCC standards. IP-65 rated. Product contact parts are all from stainless steel (grade 304 or 316).

    As such the OLR is suitable for most industrial applications internationally, including for the food, personal care, domestic chemical and many pharmaceutical applications.

    Software for OLR (SOLR)


    The Rheology Solutions OLR is used in conjunction with custom developed software for the sensor.


    What does the SOLR do?

    SOLR has three main purposes:


    Set-up of process monitoring and quality control parameters

    The OLR delivers a characteristic viscosity curve for the material being measured in the pipe. But, it is not possible for a plant operator to quickly form a judgement on the ongoing quality and trends in the pipe from a continuously refreshed characteristic curve.

    The plant engineer or QC professional can choose up to three distinct viscosities from the characteristic curve, and give each of them a different QC band within which the product may be said to be within specification.

    Characteristic curves for material in the pipe, with individual QC points to be chosen for operator display.

    Because many applications may be for process monitoring rather than quality control, it is possible for the engineer to assemble a step-wise QC file, with different QC criteria for successive process steps or stages. Later, the plant operator can advance through the process with QC criteria relevant to each individual process stage. Clearly, for continuous monitoring of an unchanged product in a pipeline, a single stage QC file is all that is necessary.

    If a factory PLC is to be used for process monitoring and quality control, the settings from these QC stages can be input into the PLC control software and compared with the data streaming from the OLR to the PLC. An alarm can be activated through SOLR (or the factory PLC) if the product viscosity or temperature drifts out of specification. The individual points of interest from each consecutive characteristic curve are plotted with time in the SOLR operator interface, allowing the operator to make informed decisions about the process and product trends. All of the individual characteristic curves from which the operator screen trends are constructed are automatically saved, and can be recalled by the QC professional or plant engineer for diagnosis and remediation of process issues.


    2. Monitoring and control of process either through SOLR or through the factory PLC

    SOLR control and monitoring software can be used in standalone mode, to provide the operator with a visual cue regarding the trends and quality of the material in the pipe through a visual PASS/FAIL display, the possibility of actuating an audio (horn) or visual (strobe) alarm.

    Operator interface allows monitoring of process according to single or multiple QC setpoints


    The operator can control the progression of the QC file through the process, initiating successive QC stages, and monitoring the progress of the material as the process continues. Clearly, for continuous monitoring of an unchanging product in a pipeline, a single stage QC file is all that is necessary, and the operator screen will display the long-term viscosity and temperature trends of the material.

    3. Out-of-specification product diagnosis

    If the product measurement is out of specification, the plant engineer can recall the characteristic curve from the time where the drift out of specification occurred, and open it either using SOLR or commonly available alternative softwaresuites (text files or MS excel).

    Diagnosis of process issues can be performed

    Up to three historical characteristic curves can be uploaded into SOLR, so that out-of-spec material can be directly compared with earlier data. Based on these comparisons and the engineers’ expertise and experience, it should then be possible to diagnose the reason for the change in product quality e.g. missing or insufficient ingredient, incorrect amount of heating, shear etc., from what is normally expected.



    Frequency range

    1 – 100 Hz

    Viscosity measuring range

    0.25 – 200,000 Pa.s

    Operating range

    - Temperature

    -10 – 110 °C

    - Pressure

    0.05 – 10 Bar a


    - Height

    605 mm

    - Width

    294.5 mm

    - Depth

    460 mm

    - Weight

    35 kg

    - Measurement Cavity diameter

    100 mm

    - Inlet/Outlet connection diameter

    76.2 mm


    - Ambient temperature in enclosure

    -15 – 50 °C

    - Operating humidity

    10 – 90 %RH

    - Maximum altitude

    2000 m

    Power Supply

    115 -230 VAC 50/60 Hz

    Inlet/Outlet connection type

    3” Tri-clover as standard

    Compliance and Certification

    The OLR is designed to meet the EHEDG guidelines using FDA compliant materials. Electricals are compliant with CE, C-Tick, FCC standards. IP-65 rated. All the product contact parts are made of stainless steel (grade 304 or 316).