

ㆍ조회: 1356  
  • 글제목
  • 2019년도 MCIK 표면 및 계면 과학 이론과 신기술 소개 및 응용 유변학 특별 세미나
  • 작성자
  • 관리자
  • 작성일
  • 2019-05-22 (수) 23:31
  • 첨부#1
  • MCIK_2019_Seminar_-_26_June_2019.pdf (68KB) (Down:78)

    Key Words:  Surface tension, 표면전하, 고체 표면 제타전위, Zeta potential, Wetting, Interfacial tension, Contact angle, Surface energy, Dynamic contact angle, Surfactant, Micelle, CMC, Multiple light scattering, Dispersion, Stability, Emulsification, Emulsion, Surface  free energy of solids , Work of adhesion, Polar interaction, Dispersive interaction, Oscillating pendant drop,  Spinning drop tensiometer, Rheology, Viscosity, Yield stress, Thixotropy, Thixotropic index, TI, DLVO Theory, Coalescence, Agglomeration, Sedimentation, Phase separation, Precipitation, Creaming, Laplace pressure,  Surface pressure, Steric stabilization, Langmuir trough, Washburn method, Recapitulation, Adhesion, Cohesion, Particle size and Particle size distribution, Powder extrusion,  Hot melt extrusion, HME, Compounding, Multiple stress creep recovery, MSCR, Normal force, Cohesive gels, Filler rheology and Granullation etc.


    엠씨아이케이 주식회사   McARIS ( MCIK Center for Applied Rheology and Interfacial Science ) 입니다.

    콜로이드 계면화학 ( Colloid &  Interfacial Science )  전문 회사인 DataPhysics Instruments GmbH  와  함께 재료의 표면 및 계면 과학적 분석  신 기술 및  이와 관련된  응용 유변학 기술 소개를 위한 특별 세미나를 개최하게 되었습니다.

    계면 및 응용 유변학 기초이론, 측정 신기술 및 산업체 적용 사례 소개와 함께  관련 측정 시  주지 사항 등 다양하고 Practical 한 세션이 준비되어 있으니 많은 참여 부탁 드립니다.

       * 세미나 신청을 원하시는 분들께서는 첨부 파일 작성하셔서  사전 등록 바랍니다.
    Re:  표면   계면과학 이론 과  신기술 소개   계면 과학적 이론에 기초한   응용 유변학  관련  세미나

    1. 행 사 명 :  2019년도 MCIK   표면 및 계면 과학 이론과  신기술 소개 및   응용 유변학  특별 세미나

    주 최  MCIK Center for Applied Rheology & Interface Science ( McARIS)  &   독일 DataPhysics Instruments GmbH 

    일 시 :    2019 06  26 ( )  9:00AM ~  5:00PM 
    4.  장소서울  중구 동호로 287   그랜드 앰베서더 호텔  지하1층 샤르도네 룸  (지하철 3호선 동대입구역   하차 6번출구  도보 약 5)      -  그랜드 앰베서더 서울
    (www.ambatel.com )    / 세미나 등록인에 한하여 무료 주차
    5. 참 가 비 :     일반  71,500 ( 부가세 포함)  /   학생  39,930   /     점심 식사    음료 제공.  
    6. 접수 마감일:  2019  06  14  금요일 5:00 PM  (  한정된   좌석   사정으로
    등록    순서대로  참가증을  교부 합니다)
    7. 참가신청방법 :   첨부  참가신청서를  엠씨아이케이 주식회사 에   Fax 또는 E-mail
    로 송부
                                           *참가신청서: 첨부 파일 

    8. 접수 및 문의엠씨아이케이 주식회사  사업 지원부 

    Tel: 02-3143-2740 / 1979, Fax: 02-3143-2753, E-mail: 
    담당:     유원민 사원

    9. 강연  및 강사


    Speaker:  Dr. Sebastian Schaubach   Application Specialist,
              DataPhysics Instruments, Germany

    Postdoc at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
    PhD at Max Planck Institute for Coal Research Muelheim an der Ruhr
    Masters in Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
    Speaker:    김승록 박사 ( 엠씨아이케이 주식회사 대표 이사)  

     Dr. Kim has obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry from the Centre for Applied Colloid & BioColloid Science (Swinburne University of Technology) in Melbourne in 1994. Following his Ph.D candidature, he accepted a position as a post-doctoral fellow for 2 1/2 years in the area of rheology and polymers. He continued his research work as a postdoctoral research fellow for both the Rheology and Material Processing Centre and the Polymer Technology Centre at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (R.M.I.T). He then worked as a senior research fellow at Kwangwoon University in Seoul and has also worked as a lecturer at the Yeonsei and Samyook Universities in Korea.  Dr. Seungrok Kim then worked as a Thermo Haake regional manager in Asia-Pacific till the beginning of 2002.   Dr. Kim established MCIK in early March of 2002. This has been sought after his determination in applying his profound MC knowledge into real cases with regard to a wide range of rheology- and material characterization-related scientific and technological problems.



    * 2019 06 26 ()  9:00AM ~  5:00PM


    1)   09:00 ~ 09:20  등록 및  환영 인사    Registration & Welcome Address  (Dr. SR Kim)


    (1)   09:20 ~ 10:05 강좌  1   (Dr. Sebastian Schaubach )


    -      1.       Modern measurement techniques for surface chemistry

    General introduction to surface science and the techniques that are used to determine surface properties such as SFT/IFT, wetting behaviour, SFE.

    Different measurement techniques like optical methods and force based methods will be described and their focus will be compared.

    (2)   10:05 ~ 10:50   강좌  2 & Workshop   (Dr. Sebastian Schaubach )

    -      2.      Optical contact angle measurement and its application

    This presentation focuses on size effects in contact angle measurement and the necessity to use comparable dimension to the final process conditions already in the in the experiments during development.

    The use of a picoliter dosing system, wetting envelope predictions and size effects will be highlighted through an application example from ink development.

               For the OCA training session  Dr. Schaubach  will introduce a print related application.  He would  demonstrate  how to do a work of adhesion analysis to predict how a drop will spread on a

               surface.  This will need a surface tension and interfacial tension measurement first followed by an SFE analysis. 

               Like this  he would  cover a wide functionality of the OCA.

    10:50 ~ 11:05      Morning  Coffee Break
    (3)   11:05 ~ 12:00  
    강좌 3   (Dr. SR Kim)

    -         3.    공정 가공 유동성 및     재료 물성  특성 규명에 사용되는 Steady Shear Rotational Rheological Measurements


                   유변학의 산업체 Applications 적용 예

                    Shear rheology기초 용어 정의

                   Comparison of rheometer data against spindle viscometer

                    test data, 

                   Thixotropy and time dependent measurements

                   Yield stress determination

                   Axial measurements  ( tack measurements )

                   Vane test methods

                   How to avoid bad shear rheology data

                  Making use of rheological models / Flow curves and


                  equation fitting

                  Importance of colloid &  interfacial  chemistry for rheology

                  Particle Mechanics & Rheology

                  On-line monitoring of  rheological parameters and particle

                    aggregation information

    Rheology Application Tips ( Steady shear rheology)

         Hot melt extrusion and  powder extrusion

    현탁액,  BioGels,   Emulsion,  Pastes Composite   입자의 분산성 및 분포성 향상 및  최적 시료

    Formulation    도찰에 적용 가능한 유변학 적  시험 방법      최적  공정 작업 조건 도출 및


    효율성 있는 QC 방법 개발 등 산업체의  다양한  Applications  관련되어  시도되는 유변학  기초 강연  관련 이론의 산업체 응용을 위한 Forum.     

    Rheology  기초 이론의 소개 및 관련 산업체의  다양한 재료를  사용한  실제 시험에의

    응용 과정 등 을  소개하고   도출된 시험 결과의 해석      응용  사례 등 을 소개하게 됩니다.


    유변학 시험 결과의 정확한 해석을 위해 시도되는 Particle morphology, 결정화 분석

    분산성 및 분포성이  뛰어난 재료의 진단 방법 등 응용 방법 관련 질의를 받아 가면서  진행하여  Rheology 이론 및  실제  문제 해결을 위한   시험에의  적용을 위한 유익한 Forum      될 것 입니다.     

    12:00 ~13:20      Lunch   Break

    (4)   13:20~13:50   강좌4  ( Dr. Sebastian Schaubach  )

    -         4.      Zeta-potential measurement in surface characterization

    This presentation will give the theoretical background for Zeta potential measurement and introduce some typical applications for which Zeta potential measurement is important.   The new Zeta potential measurement device  will be introduced and its technical features will be explained.

    (5)   13:50~14:50   강좌5 & Workshop   ( Dr. Sebastian Schaubach  )

    -             5.      Multiple Light Scattering   technique for analysing the stability of dispersions 

    This presentation will introduce the mechanisms that can lead to a destabilization of an emulsion or suspension.

    Ways how to determine the stability of a dispersion in a quantitative way through a light based measurement will be shown.   The interpretation of measurement signals will be explained allowing the user to determine possible reasons for destabilization and how to optimize a formulation to avoid stability issues.

    Dr. Schaubach  would    run some samples on the multiple light scattering instrument   during the presentation and discuss the evaluation after presentation.

    14:50 ~15:05      Afternoon    Coffee Break

    (6)    15:05  ~  16:30   강좌  6    ( Dr. SR Kim )

    -     6  . Basics of Rotational Rheological Measurements -   Viscoelasticity

          Dynamic Oscillatory Measurements (DOM)

          Linear viscoelasticity

          Molecular structural analysis via DOM

          Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis ( solid specimen torsional DMA testing)

          Creep & recovery

          MSCR for Bitumen

    Useful topics having industrial significance ( dispersion, distribution   and  levelling etc.)

    Characterization of gel structure with dynamic oscillatory rheometry

         Simultaneous UV and Thermal Assisted Rheological Testing

         Spectroscopical  insight into rheology with an on-line FT-IR & Raman spectroscopy



    16:30 ~  17:00                  Q&A /   Farewell                      (  Dr. Sebastian Schaubach  &  Dr. SR Kim )